Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'M MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!

Josh and I are happy to announce that WE ELOPED on February 13, 2009, in Pensacola, FL!

After weighing lots of options within the Navy and our situation, elopement was the best decision!

As long as he doesn't get put on a ship right out of his schooling ending April 28, we'll still have our May 2 celebration!!!! It'll still be at my parent's place in Fordland, MO (just outside of Springfield).


About two weeks or so before my visit to Pensacola, FL, we weighed our options and decided then that we would try to make it to the court house before it closed on Friday. Sure enough, I made to FL on time after a 10.5 hour drive, filled out paperwork, walked into a room with a white arch with fake ivy running through it, and said "I DO!" Definitely something we'll never forget!

Our families are extremely happy and so are Josh and I. We hope that you are all supportive and excited too! We look forward to seeing many of you for our big reception on May 2!!

The rest of the trip:

Saturday was filled with some tasks that needed to be done. I needed to get put on his bank account and we searched all over Pensacola for the best deal on a ring for him! He wanted to pick it out (so I didn't have it the day we got married), but after going back and forth between yellow and white gold....he settled on white!

Then Saturday evening we headed out for a nice dinner with Josh's buddy and his wife, Matt and Sarah. She lives just south of St. Louis, so she came to L-ville Thursday night, and we left early Friday morning and rode down together.

Before heading to Valentine's Dinner

At Red of our favorites!

Matt and Sarah Whitaker

It rained most of the weekend. All but of course our last day there! Sunday, we spent the day watching movies and hanging out with Sarah and Matt. The pictures of us and our rings were taken at the movie theater while waiting for the movie to start. We saw "Taken"....HIGHLY RECOMMEND....IT WAS AMAZING!!!

So since it stopped raining on Monday, we drove 30 minutes to spend the day on the beach!! It was SOOOOO pretty! A beautiful blue sky and clear blue water....and my hott hubby! Great combo!

My husband is so handsome!


We fed lots of birds too! We had some cookies that we would break apart and they would hover just right above us and catch the pieces we threw. Pretty incredible!

So you probably noticed Josh wearing the same shirt all weekend...haha...he doesn't have any nice clothing on base with him, so we bought this shirt at the mall Saturday. To say the least, it became a favorite!


Alana said...

Lane, I am so so happy for you! I loved reading the whole story and those beach pics are amazing. Congratulations...I'll be praying for you both as you embark on this new and wonderful journey!

Shelley said...

Awesome Laney! I love the bird pics! I'm glad you two had a great weekend. I think I'm still in shock! :)

Anonymous said...